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Creating a Browser Profile
Creating a Browser Profile
Alex B avatar
Written by Alex B
Updated over 6 months ago

The GoLogin platform helps individuals manage multiple online identities by providing browser profiles. Each profile acts as a distinct digital persona, offering a unique fingerprint and customizable settings.

Creating profiles

You can create your profiles in several different ways:

  1. Quick Profile Creation: Use the + button for default profile settings

  2. Custom Profile Creation: Use the Add Profile button to modify settings

  3. Bulk Profile Creation: Create multiple profiles at once

1. Creating a Quick Profile

  1. Navigate to the main page by clicking the All Profiles button

  2. Click the + button at the top-left. The profile will have the same settings as your Default Profile Settings

2. Creating and Editing a Profile

  1. Click the Add Profile button at the top-right

  2. The profile will be created, and the parameters window will open automatically

  3. You can edit the settings or simply click Create Profile to use the default settings

Settings You Can Change (click to expand)

  1. Choosing the OS. It is the OS that your profile will represent to the sites. In contrary to some that might say otherwise, some sites can actually recognize discrepancies between the profile OS and the device operating system which it is running on. It is highly recommended to use the same operating system as the native of the device so as to avoid inconveniences.

  2. Setting up the proxy. We provide our own proxies which you can choose here in the settings but most of the customers tend to use third-party proxy options. And they can do it, as any proxy will work in GoLogin!
    Just paste the proxy details that you got from the proxy provider into the corresponding fields in the Proxy > Your proxy tab. You can learn more about setting up your proxies here.

  3. Advanced Settings. For most use cases, the default settings are sufficient. However, you can proceed to the Advanced settings to further calibrate your profile if needed.

Confirming the changes with Create profile, you can now browse profiles at the All profiles page.

3. Creating multiple profiles in bulk

In GoLogin, you can create up to 30 profiles at once. Most of the settings will be by default, some of them you will get to change right after the profile creation.

  1. Locate the arrow pointing down, it's next to the Add profile, and click it

  2. Choose the number of profiles to create

  3. Click the Add multiple profiles button

After creation, you can still change some parameters

You will be able to rename profiles, set a starting number for the name, make it record the date, email or a specific profile name in the name field.

Profiles will be selected and you can change other settings inside the window.

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