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Navigator Profile Settings
Navigator Profile Settings
Alex Lv avatar
Written by Alex Lv
Updated over a year ago

For those who are not familiar, the JS.Navigator is composed with a list of Javascript item which keeps several limitations and its values to bring description on some specifics that the computer executes. These item parameters available at the JS.Navigator are free to access through the browser. Each parameter have specific features that are unique, much more when combined, the websites use parameters and use it to track and for fingerprints.


User-agents are a tiny string from local browsers. When the users read the User-Agent string, websites can identify the operating system version and visible browser.

For example, the specific website can determine the User-Agent value as:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebkit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.2785.8Safari/537.36

NOTE! Users who decide to configure User-Agent manually at GoLogin should be sure that the configured platform value corresponds. The discrepancy among the platforms and user-agents are major red flags.


Item parameters found on Navigator advises users about the browser that was compiled in the property of the platform. When users create a new browser profile, platform values are claimed with user-agent. Both values are dependent to the operation system filter from the overview page. Users can freely manually configure on the platform available on Navigator page.

Available Values of Platform for Desktop Browsers:

  • Win64

  • MacIntel

  • Linux 686

Available Values of Platform for Mobile Browsers:

  • iPhone

  • iPad

  • Android

Moreover, there are some possible values for Navigator Platform available on Stackoverflow.

Screen Resolution

For browser fingerprinting, screen resolutions are mostly analyzed. The websites will look over the discrepancies found on the screen resolution of the browser, and the screen size used for the computer monitor. When discrepancies are detected, it signals the need to use an online privacy tool. Add-ons on privacy browsers are recommended.

When users use GoLogin, fingerprint database reveals the value of the screen resolution of the newly created browser profile. Users can manually change the limitation through selecting the wanted screen resolution form the value list, or the user can enter the resolution value manually. Users will receive a value of screen resolutions, and it will have another fingerprint from the database. Moreover, the database can well-adjust in accordance to the operation system found at the overview page.


The Navigator object has a language property that help websites identify the preferred language of users. The website can configure the language of a content based on the preferred value, through the feature, the websites can best serve its users. Meanwhile, other navigator object value the fingerprint of the browser is already used.

As an alternative, they provide a helpful tool that edits the value. You can copy-paste the Language parameter from the regular browser or build it with GoLogin builder.

The mechanism is further developed to improve the upcoming GoLogin versions.


DoNotTrack (DNT) is another Navigator object property. It puts back and maintains do-not-track feature of users on their browser setting. The feature helps users disable the possibility that he will be tracked. The user should only set the feature on. But, most websites disable the feature on their settings.

As an alternative, the users use additional data points to increase the precision of user fingerprinting.

With the use of GoLogin, the DoNotTrack default value becomes unspecified or not set. Thus, it means users do not have any proactive selection. The behavior will match to majority of the users.

Meanwhile, users can change the settings manually, but it is recommended to maintain the default value to all of the browser profiles.


The BuildID is one of the properties from Navigator. It returns the build identifier of the browser. The BuildID values are only specified for the browsers that are Firefox-based. Usually, the build is in year-month-day-hour (YYYYMMDDHH) format. Moreover, users are not recommended to configure the parameters manually on this Navigator property.


The HardwareConcurrency is part of the item parameters of Navigator. Its function tells how many CPU processors available and are running the threads of the computer. The valid values are 1, 2, 8, 16, 32, and 64. If you use GoLogin, it restricts the range. It provides the values that are commonly used, 2, 4, 8, and 16. When the fingerprint retrieved show different values, it is altered to one of the most common values that is available.


OSCPU property comes from the object parameter of Navigator. The computer being used by users is detected through the operating system version. Browsers that are Firefox-based can only see the value. When the users create a new browser profile, User-Agent will retrieve Platform value. All values is influenced through the filter of the operating system found on overview page. Every user can manually set the value found from the Navigator page.

Note: When operator decides to configure the OSCPU in manual, GoLogin will make sure that the set User-Agent value sets to the corresponding values. The discrepancy in User-Agent and Platform values is a major red flag.

Examples of a possible OSCPU value are:

  •  Linux x86_64

  •  Windows NT 6.1

  •  Intel Mac OS X 10.12

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